30 June 2011

London, London Take Me In

Wotcher, world.

Only a week to go, and I'm feeling happy/anxious/excited/all-the-emotions-of-the-rainbow.

Today has been a packing day for me, and, as fortold by many a previous bag-packed, this suitcase is looking pretty full.  Le sigh, when will I be good at this?  I'm try to remind myself that I'll be bringing stuff back, too, but somehow I am repeatedly convinced that I absolutely need everything that's been packed heretofore.  (This scenario is then promptly followed by a philosophical discussion in my head about what needs really are, which always ends up with "I should probably not pack a bag at all"...which will never really happen.  Alas!  'Tis the nature of circles.)

On another note, I've also been preparing for the classes that I will be taking while abroad.  Unfortunately that includes writing a 7-10 paper for my Harry Potter class and reading a WHOLE lot for my Virginia Woolf class (while still managing a work schedule and hanging out with friends.)

AND (just for the sake of complaining a little more) my AC is broken right now (i.e. Starkville is getting too hot to handle...).  So, to be frank, I'm extremely ready to be over there.  All this Sagittarian energy has got my soul saying "GET ON A PLANE ALREADY!"  But this is typical.

Sincerely ready for London to take me in,


20 June 2011

Eden Project

Wotcher all,

This is really more of a blurb than anything else; however, the content of this post is EXTREMELY interesting (spoiler alert).  But really, I've been looking at my schedule for London and going through travel books, and I've finally found a definite maybe (if there ever was such) for my weekend travel plans.

Thus, (drumroll) this is one of the many places I hope to visit while in the UK:  http://www.edenproject.com/

The Eden Project, located near St. Austell, Cornwall (SW England), encases artificial biomes with plantlife from all over the world.  St. Austell, too, is a point of attraction as it is a coastal town (also known as the "capital of the Cornish Alps":  http://staustelltown.co.uk/).  It is also close to Newquay, which is a well-known surfing town on the Atlantic coast (West side, rep).

So, as Liz Lemon would say, "I want to go to there."

The End.

17 June 2011

Fact and Fiction

Wotcher, WWW.

I blog today to let you all know that in 20 days I will be on my way to London.

And to tell you a little story that goes like this:

There once was a girl, named Smelsey, who loved to travel, so she decided to go to Dondon.  Her excitement grew more and more as her departure day got closer and closer.  Then one day, about three weeks from leaving, Smelsey realized she didn't know where her passport was! GASP! She searched high and low, but nowhere could it be found!  But then, all of sudden, out of nowhere.......she found it.
Close call, Smelsey.  You should really be more mindful.

Sincerely glad to learn from THAT girl's mistakes,