28 July 2011

Land of the Scots

Wotcher friends,

For time's sake, and your own--seeing as how that last post had 983247 too many words--I've decided to just post a brief synopsis and pictures of last weekend in Edinburgh, Scotland.  Please, enjoy.

1.  Bus Tour (i.e. Nap on a bus)
2.  Best dinner yet and a lecture from a University of Edinburgh English professor
3.  DANCINGGGG at Electric Circus, a cool local bar
4.  Walked to the summit of Arthur's Seat to watch the sunrise
5.  Visit to Edinburgh Castle; Exhibits, Presentation/Reinactment, and tea
6.  Souvenir shopping at an outdoor market, and dinner at Maggie Dickenson's--a great, authentic pub
7.  Stopped at Elephant House! (where JK Rowling wrote the first HP book, you guys!)
8.  Tour of Sir Walter Scott's House and gardens
9.  Visit to the ruined Abbey in Melrose


I dance real good.

There are just no words

Arthur's Seat 250.5 m (about 822 ft)

A view of the city

Zee Castle

Does that make Rowling's mind the womb?...just wondering

The gardens at Sir Walter Scott's house.  Be-A-Utiful.

Thus, Scotland was an amazing experience.  The climate was cool, the people were warm, no rain, cultural pride everywhere, if only I had had more time to explore.  Definitely would like to visit again!  Count it.

Sincerely wishing YOU were here,

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