15 August 2011

End Notes

Wotcher friends,

So, guys, my last week in London was a very good one, maybe a little stressful at times what with all the dirty laundry and papers/presentations, but good nonetheless.  I went to see Les Miserables and Richard III (starring Kevin Spacey), visited Lacock Abbey where they did some filming for the first two HP movies, and walked around London... A LOT.  It was a good, semi-relaxed way to say goodbye.  I realize I didn't do a whole lot of touristy things--I didn't go to the changing of the guard, high tea, the London Tower, Tate Modern, the London Eye, nooooor Tower Bridge--but my London ventures were very unique and personalized to my own tastes.  I was able to see London (and other parts of the UK) specific to my interests in history, literature, and pop culture which meant a great deal more than experiencing something I could buy on a postcard.  And London had some parting gifts for me, too... rain, mist, rain, cold weather, and some more rain.  I figured it meant well, but I was definitely ready for some MS sunshine.

Les Miserables!

Lacock Abbey courtyard (i.e. Hogwarts courtyard)

Remember that time Dumbledore convinced Slughorn to come back to Hogwarts to teach Potions??!?!?!??!?.....

A Space Invader piece close to the British Museum!

This one time... I saw Kevin Spacey in a play.  And it was real good.

Le sigh.  See y'all later.

So, here ends my London adventures (and not a moment too soon since the riots would have made travelling much more difficult and a tad bit nerve-racking).  I definitely enjoyed my time abroad--I learned a lot and experienced a lot--but it is OH so nice to be home, so nice to see friends and family.

Nox for now,

Good friends, good weather, good times.  
There's just something about good ole Mississippi that the rest of the world cannot offer.  
It's very good to be home.


  1. Where is the house slughorn hides himself?

  2. It's in the same town as Lacock Abbey--Wiltishire, England. It's about an hour train ride outside of London.
